
Masonic, Occult and Esoteric Online Library


By Evelyn Underhill


and mysticism, 24, 35, 37, 42, 67, 72, 82, 92, 97, 102, 105, 120, 127, 330, 387 seq.

and vitalism, 29

apprehension of, 36, 84, 171, 241 seq ., 378, 389

search for, 45, 418

union with, 51, 91, 174, 198, 245, 310, 401, 446

man and, 55, 220, 229, 238, 289

love of, 72, 86, 239, 334, 348

immanent, 98 seq., 174, 190 seq .

and Christianity 117 seq.

its desire of man 132

awakening to, 169, 232

and contemplation, 251 seq., 332, 355

fruition of, 340, 373

and ecstasy, 374

Abyss, The, 73, 84, 97, 122, 229, 257, 335 seq. , 345 seq. , 425

Acarie, Madame, 470

Adolescence, 386

Aeldred, St., 466

Albertus Magnus, 143

Alchemists, Spiritual, 102, 140 seq ., 226, 401, 418, 432

Alexander, S., 29

Al Ghazzali, 50, 83, 171, 210, 226, 462

Al Hallaj, 462

Allegory, 129 seq., 285

Ambrose, St., 274

Anaesthesia, 226, 329, 359

Analogy, 159

Angela of Foligno, 216, 267, 269, 277 seq ., 293, 332, 375, 392, 393, 461, 470

her visions, 252, 282 seq., 341, 343

on contemplation, 350

Anthony of Padua, St., 267

Aquinas, see Thomas

Archetypal World, 154, 262 seq.

Areopagite, see Dionysius

Aridity, 241, 383, 391

Aristotle, 47, 103

Arius, 105

d’Ars, Curé, 206

Art, Function of, 74 seq .


and mystics, 76, 237

and illumination, 169, 239, 259

and vision, 271, 285

and contemplation, 300

Asceticism, 205, 215, 224 seq., 230

Astral Light, 154 seq.

Athanasius, St., 419

‘Attar, 131, 132, 226, 462

Atwood, Mrs., 143

Auditions, 66, 78, 181, 185, 241, 266 seq., 273 seq., 332

Augustine, St., 21, 29, 50, 88, 98, 100, 104, 115, 129, 133, 178, 216, 239, 248, 250, 253, 336, 419 seq., 456, 470

on God, 38

on Trinity, 111

on Love, 117

vision, 331

Automatic composition, 80, 241, 278, 293 seq.

examples, 66, 293 seq .

Automatism, 63, 161, 240, 255, 266 seq ., 281

Autoscopes, 159

Aziz bin Mahommed Nafasi, 130

Azoth, 172

Baker , Ven. Augustine, 218, 291, 308, 362, 470

on contemplation, 305

on quiet, 323

on Dark Night, 387

Barbançon, C., 471

Barluke, John Evangelist of, 471

Basil the Monk, 145

Beatific Vision, 96, 132, 190, 196, 335, 340, 389, 423, 437

Beauty, 20 seq., 258

Plato on, 22, 216

Divine, 196, 289, 342

Becoming, World of, 28, 35 seq., 73, 99, 101, 192, 222, 234, 238, 258, 367, 401, 433, 449


Eckhart on, 5, 93

and Becoming, 28, 37 seq., 67, 113, 116, 240, 340, 433

Pure, 39 seq., 73, 97, 100 seq., 249, 257, 304, 331, 339, 367, 433

Science of, 151, 453

union with, 319, 343, 345

Berger, 89

Bergson, 27, 29, 30

Bernadette of Lourdes, 359

Bernard, St., 50, 75, 173, 215, 241, 324, 331, 414, 458 seq, 470

on God, 92, 113

on Spiritual Marriage, 137

on ecstasy, 303

Bernardino of Siena, St., 467

Bérulle, Pierre de, 470

Betrothal, Spiritual, 137 seq., 245, 273

Bhagavad Gita, 155

Binyon, L., 75

Birds and Mystics, 260

Blake, William, 80, 104, 106, 107, 116, 154, 166, 168, 173, 19l, 236, 238, 240, 255, 257, 259, 267, 279, 293 seq., 355, 469, 473

automatic writing, 66

on art, 74

on Incarnation, 106

his illumination, 235 seq .

on Nature, 259

his visions 280

Blood, B. P. 371

Blosius, 468

Boehme, Jacob, 57, 93, 96, 104, 120, 123, 141, 144 seq., 154, 160, 229, 238, 241, 259, 263, 307, 349, 469, 472

his ecstasy, 58

on recollection, 64, 313

on immanence, 100

on Incarnation, 119

on New Birth, 123

his purgation, 226

illumination, 255 seq.

automatic composition, 296

on deification, 421

Bonaventura, St., 106, 124, 131, 462

Bossuet, 471

Bourignan, Antoinette, 215, 306, 471

her renunciation, 212

Boutroux, E., 40

Boyce Gibson, 62, 103

Bremond, H., 54, 67, 189, 232

Brethren of Free Spirit, 105, 150

Bridget of Sweden, St., 274, 467

Browne, Sir T., 143, 148, 160

Bruno St., 458

Bucke R. M., 193, 255

Bunyan, J., 130

Butler, Dom C., 138

Canfield , Benedict, 470

Catalepsy, 360

Catherine of Alexandria, St., 292

Catherine of Bologna, St., 467

Catherine of Genoa, St., 79, 80, 85, 127, 129, 173, 177, 182, 229, 252, 331, 396, 436, 461, 467

her fasts, 59

on love, 92

her conversion, 181, 196

purgation, 201, 219 seq., 225

on Purgatory, 202, 221

her illumination, 247

ecstasies, 362, 364

on mystic way, 441 seq.

Catherine dei Ricci, St. 469

Catherine of Siena, St. 19, 63, 84, 86, 101, 173, 221, 228, 268, 297, 359, 362, 375, 377, 398 seq., 412, 414, 421, 436, 438, 459, 464, 467

on union, 37, 365

her fasts, 59

mystic marriage of, 80, 273,

on Incarnation, 119

mystic life, 174

on self-knowledge, 200

her visions, 270, 392

Dialogue, 293

ecstasies, 365 seq.

Catholicism, 469

and magic, 163

Caussade, J. P. de, 383, 390, 391, 472

Chantal, St., see Jeanne Françoise de Chantal


remaking, 204, 216 seq., 306, 381, 396, 416

in quiet, 323

purgation, 388

of unitives, 429 seq.

Chastity, 205

Christ, 109, 118, 128, 138, 233, 344, 391, 412

life of, and mystics, 120, 222, 448

humanity of, 120, 283

Eternal, 134

indwelling, 144

visions of, 279, 283

Christian mysticism, see Mysticism

Christian science, 156


and Mysticism, 104 seq., 222, 236, 344, 448

and philosophy, 105 seq.

and magic, 153, 163

and deification, 419

Church and magic, 163 seq.

Clairvoyance, 155, 256

Cleanthes, 106

Clement of Alexandria, 104, 455

Cloud of Unknowing, The, 48, 335, 337, 348 seq., 459, 466

Cognition, 46 seq., 67

Colette, St., 467

Columba Rieti, 468

Common Life, Brotherhood of, 465

Conation, 46 seq., 67, 314


mystical, twofold, 35 seq., 90, 195, 215, 227, 240, 337, 345, 433

transcendental, 51 seq., 55, 67, 70, 212 seq., 241 seq ., 385, 444

alteration of, 56, 176, 295, 389

field of, 56, 58, 67 seq ., 91, 176, 329

threshold of, 56 seq ., 67, 74, 314

oscillations of, in mystics, 167 seq ., 177, 227 seq ., 233, 253, 381, 383, 445

Mystic, its awakening, 176 seq.

Cosmic, 192 seq., 255

growth, 264, 402

unification of, 308, 363, 366

in introversion, 309 seq., 314, 329, 336

ecstatic, 370

Constant, A. L., see Lévi Eliphas

Contemplation, so, 56, 67 seq., 184, 241, 243, 282, 294, 298 seq ., 304, 328 seq., 358 seq., 375

its nature, 50, 300

passive, 64

forms of, 92, 329, 335

infused, 245

an experiment in, 301 seq.

degrees of, 311

its function, 330

dark, 332, 346 seq ., 353, 383

marks of, 332

descriptions of, 335

method of, 346 seq.

and ecstasy, 363, 367, 373


life, 197

state, 131

experience, 331

Contemplatives, 172, 432

Conversion, 177 seq., 229 seq., 269, 376, 412

two types of, 195

Counter-reformation, 468

Cutten, G. B., 52, 59

Dance , Mystic 231, 233

Dante, 35, 39, 75, 101, 105, 115, 120, 129, 135, 256, 307, 331, 344, 355, 367, 369, 412, 415 seq., 418 seq. 435, 437, 443, 460, 462

on emanation, 97

and mystic way, 131

Purgatorio, 200, 202

on Divine Light, 249

his vision of God, 251, 340

and symbolic vision, 286

on mystic joy, 437

Dark Night of Soul, 121, 169, 229, 241, 380 seq., 416

mystic aspect of, 387 seq .

Suso and, 403 seq .

Deification, 99, 102, 139, 170, 175, 379, 401, 415 seq .

Deified man, 146 seq .

Delacroix, 14, 242, 289, 308, 416, 419

on mystics, 62, 172

on St. Teresa, 108

on automatism, 273

on contemplation, 330

Denis the Carthusian, 364, 465

De Sanctis, 179

Detachment 130, 205 seq ., 396 seq .

Devotion, 130

Dialogue, mystical, 241, 277 Sty.

Dionysius the Areopagite, 46, 65, 79, 97, 101, 104, 13’2, 171, 188, 253, 318, 320, 337, 456, 460, 465

on surrender, 93

on ignorance, 93

on Divine Love, 197

on Divine Dark, 251, 347

on contemplation, 333

Disintegrated Personality, see Personality

Dissociation, Mental, 278

Divine Absence, see God, Absence of

Divine Dark, 73, 97, 132, 171, 251, 318, 335 seq ., 347, 353 seq .

its meaning, 348

Divine Fecundity, 166, 170 seq ., 428

examples of, 429

Divine Humanity, 388 seq .

Divine Ignorance, see Ignorance

Divine Principle, 100

Divine Union, see Union

Douceline, St. 216, 461

Driesch, Hans 27

Ebner , Margaret, 269, 465

Eckartshausen, C. von, 123, 473

Eckhart, 6, 10, 64, 83, 133, 136, 173, 188, 229, 255, 305, 312, 318 seq ., 344, 389, 463

on Being, 5, 93

on silence, 38, 64

on immanence 101

on Holy Spirit 117

on Eternal Birth, 122

on purity, 206

on poverty, 203 seq .

on detachment, 209

on union, 370

on deification, 419

Ecstasy, 32, 56 seq ., 60, 81, 94, 128, 132, 161, 228, 243, 299, 303, 358 seq ., 380

creative, 64, 378

and union, 170

examples, 187 seq ., 362 seq .

and purgation, 226 seq .

its psychology, 363 seq .

and mysticism, 367 seq .

and contemplation, 373

dark 394

Ecstatics, 368

Elizabeth of Schönau, 459

Emanation, 97 seq .

and immanence, 102 seq .

Emotion, 45 seq .

conative, 46

and symbolism, 126

and mysticism, 135

and contemplation, 335

Entelechy, 39

Epistle of Discretion, 85

of Private Counsel, 320

of Prayer, 427

Erigena, John Scotus, 111, 259, 263, 457

Eucken, Rudolph, 27, 34, 112, 114, 414, 417

on Reality, 21, 33

Euripides, 236

Evocation, 157, 161

Faith and life, 15

Fasting, 59

Father, The, 41, 108 seq ., 115, 304, 340


thought and will, 67, 311, 329

and mysticism, 71, 335 seq ., 367, 437

Fénelon, 471

Field of Consciousness, see Consciousness

Fire, Mystic, 114, 124, 141, 189, 221, 231, 257, 421

of Love, see Love

Flowers, Mystics and, 215, 255

Fox, George, 173, 177 seq ., 226, 238, 255, 414, 469

his illumination, 257

Francis of Assisi, St., 77, 173, 196, 206, 210, 212, 215, 237, 239, 241, 267 seq ., 276 seq ., 364, 430, 431, 436 seq ., 460, 467

his character and conversion, 180 seq .

on poverty, 208

purgation, 224

and animals, 260 seq .

stigmata, 267, 290, 375

his joy, 439 seq .

Francis de Sales, St., 10, 52, 183, 394, 471

Francis Xavier, St., 222

Franck Sebastian, 297

Fraticelli, 105

Freedom, 27, 30 seq ., 129, 199, 207, 279, 330, 357, 367, 371, 404, 416 seq .

Freyer, D. A., 472

Friends of God, 185, 370, 410, 432, 464

Fruition, 173, 345, 356, 373, 417 seq ., 433 seq .

Fünklein, 54

Game of Love, see Love

Gardiner, Edmund, 59, 268, 294

Genius, 63 seq ., 73

and mysticism 65, 232, 366

spiritual, 103, 235, 375, 450

Gerson, 467

Gertrude, St., 343, 389, 460, 463

Gertrude, Nun, 460

Gichtel, John, 472

Gnosticism, 58, 105, 149, 153 seq .

God, 97, 105, 107, 238, 330, 341, 447

union with, see Union

love of, see Love

as Being, 37 seq ., 127, 249, 337, 369

mystics and, 38, 111 seq ., 189

knowledge of, 57, 83, 130 seq ., 195, 369 seq .

transcendent, 96 seq ., 102, 195, 251 seq ., 336, 344 seq .

immanent, 99 seq ., 103, 128, 263, 342 seq .

names of, 103, 106, 163

needs man, 132, 425

absence of, 170, 376, 388 seq ., 393 seq ., 410

absorption in, 170

presence of, 184, 239 seq ., 282, 314, 382 seq .

glory of, 192, 249

craving for, 248, 265

in quiet, 319

sons of, 433

Godfernaux, 75, 269, 361

Godhead, Unconditioned, 40, 101, 109 seq ., 120, 132, 171, 344, 346, 433 seq .

vision of, 109, 340

aspects of, 109 seq ., 336

emanations of, 263

desert of, 304, 337 seq .

and God, 344

Ruysbroeck on, 345

see also Abyss and Absolute

Grail, quest of, 129

Granger, F., 267

Gravitation, spiritual 132

Gregory of Nyssa, 104, 263

Gregory the Great, 457

Groot, Gerard, 465

Grou, J. N., 306

Ground of Soul, see Soul

Guyon, Madame, 196, 246, 293, 322, 390 seq ., 401 seq ., 407

automatic writing, 66, 295

youth and conversion, 182 seq .

and St. Catherine of Genoa, 183

purgation, 225 seq .

on contemplation, 326

dark nights 383 seq .

on union, 431

Hafiz 462

Hall, Bishop, 470

Harphius, 465

Hazlitt, 160, 419.

Heart, 71

Heat, mystic, 193

Hébert, M., 71

Hegel on Beuty, 21

Helfde, 460

Henry de Mande, 465

Henry of Nordlingen, 465

Heracleitus, 10, 38, 106, 116, 238

and vitalism, 28 seq .

Hermes Trismegistus, 143, 153, 159

Hermetic act, see Alchemy

books, 153

science, 152 seq .

Hervey, Christopher, 113

Higher Thought, see New Thought

Hildegarde, St., 62, 115, 249, 274, 276, 458

Hilton, Walter, 51, 87, 132, 200, 220, 264, 323, 332, 342 seq ., 348 seq ., 401, 428, 466

on pilgrimage, 129

on presence of God, 242

on automatism 280

on contemplation, 307 seq ., 334

Holland, B., 117

Holy Spirit, 109, 116 seq .

“Hound of Heaven,” 135

Hugh of St. victor 129, 309

on music, 77

on contemplation, 92, 245

Humility, 200, 209, 221, 252 seq ., 317, 337, 348, 400

Huysmans, 222, 271

Hymn of Jesus, 134, 234, 455

Hypnotic states, 57 seq .

Hysteria and mystics, 58 seq .

Idealism , 11 seq.

Ignatius Loyola, St., 173, 414, 430, 431, 436, 468

his lucidity, 58

mortifications, 225

visions, 272

Ignorance, Divine, 319, 337, 340, 348

Illumination, state of, 130 seq , 139, 169, 191 seq ., 206, 227, 279 seq ., 310, 340, 381 seq ., 388, 396

and alchemy, 145

its nature, 199, 246 seq .

characteristics 234 seq .

transcendental, 250 seq .

Illuminative Way, see Illumination

Immanence, 35, 40, 97 seq ., 103 seq ., 240, 251

psychology and, 99

consciousness of, 178, 191 seq ., 196, 234, 257, 283, 342 seq .

see also Absolute and God

Incarnation, The, 106 seq ., 118 seq ., 355

and deification, 419

Independent spiritual life, 33, 55

spiritual world, 23, 169

Indifference, 205, 323 seq ., 412

Initiation, 156 seq .

Inspiration, 63, 234, 293, 299

Intellect, 45 seq .

Bergson’s theory of, 30

darkness of, 385 seq .

satisfaction of, 437

Introversion, 99, 250, 298 seq .

Intuition, 33, 64, 130, 259, 274 seq. , 306, 363

Irenaeus, 104

Jacopone da Todi , 121, 219, 249, 461

on poverty, 207

on ecstasy, 374

Jacques of la Massa, 237

Jalalu ‘d Din, 32, 87, 134, 171, 348, 389, 426

James, William, 7 seq ., 98

on mysticism, 81, 331

Jámí, 82, 127, 462

Janet, Pierre, 60 seq ., 267

Jeanne Françoise de Chantal, St., l83, 383

Jefferies, Richard, 192, 195

Jerome, St., 13

Jerusalem, 124, 129, 334

Joan of Arc, St., 173, 276, 414, 430, 467

John, St., Gospel of, 250

John of Parma, 237

John of the Cross, St., 73, 79, 89, 92, 96, 98, 139, 173, 203, 221, 229, 350, 354, 388, 402, 407, 440, 468

poems quoted, 83, 236, 352, 371

on detachment, 206, 211

on attachments, 212

on automatism 275 seq ., 280

on dark contemplation, 353

on Dark Night, 389 seq ., 399

Jones, Rufus, 185 seq ., 267

Joy, Mystic, 189, 239, 253, 342, 354, 437 seq .

Julian of Norwich, 36, 68, 90, 101, 133, 202, 239, 242, 247, 252 seq ., 258, 268, 301, 304 seq ., 364, 467

on Trinity, 111 seq .

on Incarnation, 119

visions, 270

Jundt, A., 185, 402

Kabalah , the, 153, 154, 159

Kabalists, 63, 97 seq ., 103, 108, 263 seq.

Kant, 58, 301

Kempe, Margery, 224, 466

Knowledge, 44 seq .

desire of, 45 seq ., 72, 90, 151

by union, 68, 84

enouncement of, 93

transcendental, 268, 301, 329 seq ., 334

law of, 342, 446

and ecstasy, 369 seq ., 376

Law , William, 141, 250, 263, 397, 469, 472

on Trinity, 114

Laurence, Brother, 188, 195, 241, 246, 253, 471

character and conversion, 190

Lead, Jane, 123, 470, 473

Leadbeater, C. W., 156

Leuba, 47, 183, 267

on mystics, 91 seq ., 94

Lévi, Eliphas, 153 seq ., 161 seq .

Levitation, 186, 376 seq .

Liberty, see Freedom

Libido, 45

Ligature, 330

Light, Inward, 100, 103, 353

uncreated, 73, 114, 239, 308, 342

mystic, 249 seq ., 289, 421

Light, life, and love, 115 seq . ,190, 239, 341

Liturgies, 163 seq .

Logos, 28, 38, 109 seq ., 115 seq ., 118 seq ., 134, 233


Spirit of, see Holy Spirit

and pain, 19, 221 seq .

desire of, 44 seq ., 71

active, 46 seq .

mystic, 49, 70 seq ., 77, 81, 85 seq ., 92 seq ., 197, 208, 264, 281, 311, 355, 371, 389, 426 seq .

of God, 68 seq ., 81 seq ., 181, 191, 223

divine, 103, 196, 343

as Holy Spirit, 116 seq .

symbols of, 128, 136

mutual, 130 seq .

following, 135

Four Degrees of, 139, 309, 312, 315 seq ., 327, 379

Fire of, 189, 197, 418

pure, 201, 229, 247, 312, 325, 331, 412

game of, 227, 286, 383

vision of, 279

in orison, 306, 313, 330

language of, 425

and fruition, 435 seq .

Lucia of Narni, 468

Lucidity, Mystic, 58 seq ., 177, 238, 255 seq. , 360, 363, 390

Lucie-Christine, 179, 384, 389

Luis de Granada, 468

Luis de Leon, 214, 468

Lull, Ramon, 462

Lydwine of Schiedam, St., 222, 467

visions, 271

Macarius of Egypt, St., 457

Maeterlinck, M., 340

Magic, 70, 82, 84, 149 seq .

and religion, 151

and psychology, 157 seq .

therapeutics, 161

and Christianity, 162 seq .

Magnum Opus, see Alchemy

Magus, 144

Malaval, 254, 361, 472

Mantra, 158

Margaret Mary, St., 267

Maria Maddelena dei Pazzi, St., 222, 469

Marie de l’Incarnation, Ven., 471

Maritain, J., 301, 334

Marriage of Soul, see Spiritual Marriage

Martinists, 154

Maury, A., 363

McDougall, W., 228

Mead, G. R. S., 134

Mechthild of Hackborn, St., 31, 196, 460

visions, 287

Mechthild of Magdeburg, 62, 90, 135, 206 seq ., 238 seq ., 249 seq ., 278 seq ., 393, 420, 460

on mystic pain, 61

on love, 92

on orison, 344

Meditation, 49, 158, 311, 313 seq ., 324 seq .

Mediums, 66, 293 seq ., 360

Mental Healing, 158, 161

Menticulture, 153, 156

Merswin, Rulman, 97, 177, 195 seq ., 202, 376 seq., 383, 393, 402, 465

his vision of Nine Rocks, 98, 132, 204

conversion, 185

psychology, 186, 294

penances, 228

Metapsychic phenomena, 155 seq .

Microcosms 98, 102, 159

Mirror of St. Edmund, The, 306

Mirror of Simple Souls, The, 75, 219, 337, 342, 426, 437, 462

Missal, 119, 163, 274

Molinos, 324, 471

Monet, 263

Monoideism, 58 seq ., 246, 363 seq ., 373

More, Gertrude, 59, 78, 88 seq ., 128, 248, 470

Mortification, 169, 186, 200 seq ., 216 seq ., 233, 396

Music and Mysticism, 76 seq ., 277, 336

Musset, A. de., 293

Myers, F., 359

Mysteries, The, 235, 455

Orphic, 24, 426, 454

Dionysiac, 58, 236, 359, 454


marriage, see Spiritual philosophy, see Philosophy

vision, 35 seq ., 134

type, 49, 91, 223 seq ., 229

sense, 50 seq .

feeling, 73

literature, 80, 239

experience, 91, 252, 336

quest, 91 seq ., 103, 129 seq .

education, 92, 298 seq ., 310

life process, 92

theology, 104 seq .

death, 169, 383 seq ., 401

life, first, 169, 228, 238, 298, 310, 381

life, second, 229, 381, 403 seq .

language, 335

development, 381 seq .

heritage, 432

Mystic Way, 81 seq ., 91, 94, 127, 167 seq ., 306, 381, 416, 426 seq ., 432, 440 seq .

and life of Christ, 121

and alchemy, 145

stages of, 168 seq .

end of, 442

Mystics The, see also Mystics

his mechanism, 49 seq .

defined, 75 seq .

his states, 168

great, mark of, 173

as genius, 386

and visions and voices, 266 seq ., 279

and artistic expression, 272 seq .

and orison, 324, 328 seq .

and ecstasy, 370 seq .

and Dark Night, 387 seq .

mature, 432 seq .


its doctrines, 23

Indian, 31, 57, 158, 170, 314, 434

and vitalism, 34

its nature, 70 seq ., 81 seq .

and music, see Music

and symbols, 79, 125 seq .

defined, 82

love and, 85 seq . its branches, 94

and theology, 95 seq .

its valid part, 102

Christian, 104, 172 seq ., 234, 304, 311, 323, 344, 364, 401, 419

theurglc, 150

and magic, 162 seq .

European, 171, 434

and goodness, 199

passive, 322

German, 396 seq ., 459, 462

its meaning, 444

curve of, 453 seq .

tradition of, 454, 469

Medieval, 458

Italian, 460 seq .

Franciscan, 460 seq .

Dominican, 462

Mahommedan, see Sufis

Flemish, 465

English, 466

Spanish, 468

Mystics, The, 23 seq ., 34 seq ., 49 seq ., 94, 104, 344

their claim, 4, 22 seq .

and artists, 35, 75, 223, 236, 259, 271

practical, 59, 101, 246 seq ., 347, 414

psycho-physical peculiarities, 58 seq ., 363

their wholeness of life, 63

automatic powers, 65

heroic types, 91 seq ., 428

and theology, 95 seq ., 108 seq .

and occultists, 156

as actives, 172 seq ., 429 seq .

their love of nature, 206, 260

and Unitive life, 414 seq .

two types of, 415

as lovers, 428

Unitive, 429 seq .

and humanity, 446

Christian, see Mysticism

Names of God, see God

Nativity, The, and Mysticism, 119, 122

Naturalism, 8


and Christ, 115

mystic vision of, 178, 191 seq ., 234, 240, 254

mystics and, 206, 258 seq .

contemplation of, 301 seq .

Negation, 318, 337 seq ., 344, 353 seq ., 372, 387

Negative states, 381 seq .

Neoplatonists, 96 seq ., 104 seq ., 109, 226, 318, 333, 337, 359, 372, 426, 454 seq ., 470

their Trinity 111

New Birth, 34, 53, 122 seq ., 140, 193, 303, 319, 419, 445, 454, 469

New Man, 142, 217, 222, 259, 310, 402

New Thought 71, 153, 156 seq .

Nicholson, R. A., 171

Nicolas of Basle, 465

Nicolas of Cusa, 114, 118, 465

Nirvana, 171

Norris, John, 470

Obedience , 205, 215

Occult, see Magic

Odes of Solomon, 455

Odic force, 155

One, The, 41, 81, 96, 97, 102, 107, 108, 113, 139, 212, 229, 307, 331, 337, 343 seq ., 347, 372, 454, 455

Dante’s vision of, 340

One Act, the, 325 seq .

Origen, 455

Orison, 184, 243, 254, 306 seq ., 344, 375, 380 seq .

of quiet, see Quiet

union, see Union

Degrees of, 169, 306 seq ., 311

naked, 307, 318

ideal of, 325

Ormond, A. T., 428

Osanna Andreasi, 468

Otto, R., 340, 348

Oxyrhynchus Papyri, 101

Pacheu , J., 91

Pain, 18 seq .

and love, 18, 221 seq .

mystic states of, 168 seq ., 389, 403

of God, 394

Pantheism, 99

Papus, 150

Paracelsus, 150, 297

Pascal, 368, 376, 379, 471

memorial of, 188

Passivity, 51, 65, 81, 183, 247, 306, 321, 325, 373

Pathology and mysticism, 60 seq ., 360

Patmore, Coventry, 25, 135, 143, 311

on Incarnation, 118

on Church 164

on Reality 199, 420

Paul, St., 58, 178, 199, 267, 368, 429, 431, 437, 455

on Trinity, 113

conversion of, 178

Pelagius, 105

Penington, Isaac, 470


divine, 42, 51, 105, 118, 128, 289, 337, 341, 346, 423

sub-conscious, see Subliminal

remaking of, 54 seq ., 375, 402, 416 seq .

levels of, 330

and deification, 420 seq .

Peter Damian, St., 458

Peter of Alcantara, St., 468

Petersen, Gerlac, 84, 200, 211, 427, 465

Philadelphians, 470

Philip of the Trinity, 275

Philo, 63, 96, 454

Philosopher’s stone, 142 seq ., 418, 432

Philosophy, 5 seq ., 262, 334

vitalistic, 26 seq ., 155

activistic, 33

transcendental, 73

mystical, 83, 95 seq ., 104 seq ., 433

Christian, 105

Hermetic, 141

occult, 152 seq .

Pilgrimage of soul, 98, 128 seq .

Plato, 5, 39, 101, 103, 169, 199, 235, 238, 243, 262, 372

on beauty, 21, 216, 236

on mystic sense, 50

on contemplations 305

Platonism and mysticism, 83

Platonism Cambridge, 72, 470

Pleasure, states of, 167 seq ., 188, 241

and pain, 228, 380 seq ., 393

Plotinus, 86, 93, 96, 101, 106, 173, 178, 207, 229, 233, 262, 271, 331, 335, 368, 374, 455

on mystic sense, 50

ecstasy, 82, 372

union, 85, 333

immanence, 99

Poetry, 278, 286, 352

Poets, 233 seq ., 331, 375

and illumination, 234

mystical, 255, 383

Poiret, P., 472

Pordage, Dr., 470, 473

Porphyry, 455

Poulain, A., 242

Poverty, 205 seq ., 220, 400

Pratt, J. B., 52, 138, 177, 269 seq ., 288

Prayer, see Orison

Presence of God, see God

Prince, Morton, 57

Proclus, 456

Prophecy, 277 seq ., 295, 366

Prophets, 279, 285, 376

Psychology 44 seq .

of mystic way, 92, 102, 167 seq .

and magic, 157 seq ., 161

and automatism 266 seq ., 294 seq .

of contemplation, 329, 337, 351

of ecstasy, 361 seq .

of Dark Night, 381 seq .

of Unitive Life, 416 seq .

Purgation, 131, 147, 169, 177, 198 seq ., 232, 240, 253, 381 seq ., 388 seq .

factors of, 228 seq .

and illumination, 229 seq .

passive, 388, 399

of spirit, 396

Purgatory, 202, 221

Purification, see Purgation

Quia amore langueo, 136

Quakers, 100, 105, 464, 469

Quiet, Orison of, 83, 172, 182, 283, 308 seq ., 316 seq ., 328 seq ., 338, 349, 364, 368

Quietism, 68, 150, 247, 321 seq .

Quietists, 105, 469 seq .

Rabi’a , 85, 248, 462

Rapture, 243, 248, 281, 303, 329, 359, seq ., 375 seq .

dark, 394

Realism, 8


philosophy and, 8 seq ., 33 seq .

beauty and, 21 seq .

mystics and, 23 seq ., 41, 68, 93 seq ., 198, 314, 335, 369, 388, 414 seq ., 420, 433 seq .

dual nature of, 33 seq ., 195, 240, 340, 433 seq .

levels of, 34, 56, 64, 232

negative descriptions, 42, 337, 345

condition of knowing, 43, 47 seq ., 175, 330, 395

and ecstasy, 61, 187 seq ., 367 seq .

transcendent, 72, 240, 251 seq .

and art, 74 seq .

and symbols, 78 seq ., 285

concepts of, 96, 114, 128, 195, 419

and immanence, 98, 240, 250

and theology, 101 seq ., 116, 121

self’s movement to, 128 seq .

craving for, 200, 394

of phenomena, 256

Reason, see Intellect

Re-birth, see New Birth

Récéjac, 16, 133, 220, 243, 328

on beauty, 21

on mysticism, 46, 82, 86, 262, 279

Receptivity, 64 seq ., 317 seq .

Recollection, 50, 308 seq ., 313 seq ., 328

Regeneration, 122, 128, 417 symbols of, 140 seq .

Religion, 17, 47, 160

and mysticism, 96

and magic, 152, 157, 162 seq .

Rhythm, 76 seq ., 157 seq ., 162, 233, 238, 278

and ecstasy, 58

Ribet, 268

Ribot, 60, 363, 371

Richard of St. victor, 139, 204, 309, 370, 374, 429, 431, 458, 459, 466

degrees of love, 139, 292, 312, 315, 327

on ecstasy, 379

on deification, 421

Rolle, Richard, 77, 91, 196, 201, 206, 211, 237 seq ., 239, 277, 317, 355, 369, 459, 466

on song, 77 seq ., 193, 439

on mystic love, 86

on Heat Sweetness, Song, 193

his Conversion, 193

on illumination, 264

on contemplation, 336, 342

on joy, 438 seq .

Romuald, St., 458

Rose of Lima, St., 261, 440, 469

Rosicrucians, 150, 469

Royce, Josiah, 23, 132

Rutherford, Samuel, 317 seq .

Ruysbroeck, 51, 77, 130, 133, 173, 210, 229, 235, 304, 331, 373, 409, 420 seq ., 436, 437, 465

on God, 35, 37, 115 seq ., 435 seq .

on emotion, 48

on love of God, 86, 265, 356

on introversion, 100

on Trinity, 116

on contemplation, 117, 333, 345 seq .

on Birth of Son, 119, 122

on union, 312, 422, 435

on Quietism, 322

on dual life, 325, 435

on Dark Night, 391

on Unitive Life, 422 seq .

on divine sonship, 433


and Magic, 163

and Mystics, 364

Sacred Heart, vision of, 80

Sacrum Commercium, 208

Sadi, 462

Saint-Martin, 7, 80, 469, 473

Sanctity, 127, 390

Scepticism, Philosophic, 13

School of Holy Spirit, 403 seq .


and world, 5

the, its three activities, 45 seq ., 84, 310, 329, 437

its machinery 211, seq .

its dual nature, 52 seq ., 63, 90, 199, 213, 240, 302, 310, 432 seq .

surrender of, see Surrender

and Reality, 68, 74, 82, 102, 304, 312, 317, 432

loss of, 84, 208, 336 seq ., 401, 434

transmutation of, 91 seq ., 140 seq ., 217, 388, 396, 402, 414 seq ., 418 seq .

cravings of, 126

annihilation of, 132, 170, 396 seq ., 418, 434

suggestion, 159 seq .

awakening of, 168, 176 seq ., 198

conversion of, see Conversion

knowledge, 200 seq ., 233

conquest, 200

simplification, 204

death of, 217, 221, 264, 400, 412

illumination of, 238 seq .

education of, 311

mergence, 312, 332, 343, 373

naughting, 317, 399 seq ., 416, 422 seq .

in contemplation, 329 seq .

in Dark Night, 385 seq ,

love, 397

Semer, M., 193


World of, 5, 338

death of, 220

night of, 239

and automatism, 268

hallucinations of, 268 seq ., 275, 279

“Seven Valleys, The,” 131

Shelley, 78

Silence, Interior, see Quiet

Simeon Mataphrastes, 419

Sin, 198 seq ., 219, 387

conviction of, 390 seq ,

Smith, John, 470

Solitude, 173, 324

Son, The, 115, 120

Eternal Birth of, 121

Marriage with, 304

Sonship Divine, 446

Song, Mystic, 78, 194, 241, 439 seq .

Song of Songs, 137, 250, 373, 426

Sophia, 123, 230, 233

Soul, 85, 93, 99, 137

apex of, 54, 366

ground of, 54 seq ., 99 seq ., 233, 274, 304, 312, 319, 339, 343 seq ., 349, 390, 401

spark of, 54 seq ., 74, 100, 108, 145, 230, 259, 274, 304, 366, 390, 396, 402, 445

Space and Time, 12

Spark of Soul, see Soul

Spiritual Marriage, 80, 92, 129, 136 seq ., 172, 302, 327, 355 seq , 372 seq ., 415 seq ., 426 seq .

Ornaments of, 90

of St. Catherine, 174, 291, 297

Starbuck, 58, 172, 382

on conversion, 176, 192

Steiner, R., 150, 152, 156, 191

Sterry, Peter, 470

Stewart J. A., 54, 74

Stigmatisation, 59, 267, 375

Subliminal Mind, 52 seq ., 62, 91, 102, 108, 273, 306, 311, 375, 392

in mystics, 57, 66, 185

and visions, 290

Substance and Existence, 34

Sufis, 63, 80, 83, 92, 96, 108, 127, 130, 171, 210, 226, 418, 462

“Suggestive Enquiry, A”, 143, 147

Surrender, 68, 92, 135, 170 seq ., 185, 190, 209, 223, 236, 244, 284, 308 seq ., 317, 323 seq ., 339, 347 seq ., 355, 392 seq ., 398 seq ., 415, 445

Suso, 91, 101, 172 seq ., 185, 195 seq ., 201, 206, 218, 222 seq ., 229, 238 seq ., 255, 267, 271 seq ., 276 seq ., 283, 291, 343, 371, 388, 393, 396, 464

on theology, 97, 118

his conversion, 186

temperament, 186, 408 seq .

visions, 187, 283 seq ., 386

illumination, 253

his Dark Night, 386, 403 seq .

and the knight, 408

and the baby, 410

on union, 424

Swedenborg, 160, 473

Symbolism, 78 seq ., 97, 125 seq ., 159, 271, 336

Symbols, 101, 158, 234, 239, 257, 268, 283, 328

of the Absolute, 113, 127 seq ., 331

three classes of, 126

of quest, 129 seq .

of love, 136 seq .

of pilgrimage, 130 seq .

of marriage, 136, 425

of transmutation, 140 seq ., 418

magic, 159

philosophic, 341

and ecstasy, 364 seq .

of Unitive Life, 415 seq ., 427 seq .

of deification, 421

Symons, Arthur, 83, 89, 236, 352

Synteresis, 54, 145

Tauler , 55, 61, 87, 100 seq ., 115, 173, 185, 265, 269, 278, 330, 393, 396, 463 seq .

on self loss, 85, 400

on poverty, 215

on mortification, 217

on pain, 222

on desert of God, 304

on Abyss, 338

Telepathy, 155, 295

Tennyson, 238, 255

Teresa, St., 58, 64, 79, 88, 91, 92, 96, 100, 102, 117, 168, 169, 172 seq ., 201, 215 seq ., 222, 227, 238, 241 seq ., 246 seq ., 267 seq ., 269, 271, 278 seq ., 283 seq ., 313, 318, 326, 343, 361, 375, 392 seq ., 414, 430, 432, 436, 440, 453, 464, 468, 471, 473

on ecstasy, 61, 360, 368, 371

on Trinity, 108 seq .

Spiritual Marriage, 138

her character, 213 seq .

purgation, 213 seq .

visions, 270, 281, 284 seq ., 288 seq .

on auditions, 274 seq .

her transverberation, 292

automatic writing, 294 seq .

on orison, 308, 311 seq ., 356 seq .

on recollection, 315

on quiet, 321, 326

on rapture, 329, 363, 376 seq .

on levitation, 376, seq ,

on pain of God, 394

Téwekkul Beg, 99

Theologia Germanica, 50, 55, 83, 121, 127, 141, 230, 245, 425, 464

on detachment, 207

on deification, 418

Theology, 114 seq .

Theopathetic state, 132, 175

life, 431, 436

mystics, 429

Thomas à Kempis, 19, 217, 278, 437, 465, 470

on love, 87

Thomas Aquinas, St., 17, 39, 50, 65, 116, 150, 188, 361, 428, 462

on emanation, 97

on immanence, 99

on Trinity, 111

on Holy Spirit, 117

on Beatific vision, 190, 423

Thompson, Francis, 135

Towne, E., 156

Tradition, 300, 454, 470

Traherne, Thomas, 470

Trance, Ecstatic, 170 seq ., 255, 294, 359 seq ., 367, 375 seq .

Transcendence, 34, 91, 97 seq ., 103, 108, 232, 259, 307, 324, 335, 418, 444

symbols of, 126 seq .

process of, 168, 198

vision of, 195

and immanence, 250, 259, 337

contemplation of, 337, 344 seq .

dark, 355

and ecstasy, 365

Transcendental Consciousness, see Consciousness

feeling, 55 seq ., 73, 232, 330

sense, 56 seq ., 70 seq .

powers, 63

life, 213

world, 258 seq .

Transmutation, see Self and Symbols

Tree of Life, 98, 103, 263

Trinity, Christian, 107 seq ., 133, 257, 272, 344, 422, 435

Hindu, 110

Neoplatonic, 111

Truth, Quest of, 334

Unification , 54, 108, 238, 416, 434 of consciousness 68, 364, 370

Union, Mystic, 24, 32, 35 seq ., 68, 72 seq ., 79 seq ., 84 seq ., 89, 100, 127, 133 seq ., 146, 170 seq ., 281 seq ., 292, 310 seq ., 325, 338, seq . 355 seq ., 367, 372, 378, 396, 401, 417 seq ., 422 seq ., 446

hypostatic, 119

condition of, 203, 307

orison of, 245, 283, 308 seq ., 329, 343, 346, 355 seq .

St. Teresa on, 283, 357

passive, 333, 367

ecstatic, 370

Unitive Life, 57, 81, 290, 388, 402, 413 seq .

and illumination, 245 seq .

examples of, 429

dual character of, 433

its gaiety, 439 seq .

Unitive Way, 121, 131, 139, 170, 229, 310, 381, 413 seq .

Unity, 107, 109, 132, 258, 422

Vaughan , H. (Silurist), 255, 347, 409, 470

Vaughan, R. A., 150

Vaughan, Thomas, 470

Vernazza, Ven. Battista, 115, 356, 467

Vision, 74, 240, 307, 333

illuminated, 234 seq ., 254 seq .

fourfold, 259

Visions, 66, 79, 196, 266 seq ., 279 seq ., 375, 381

examples, 109, 181, 182, 187, 286 seq ., 404 seq .

of Godhead, 109, 251 seq ., 283 seq ., 340, 370

dynamic, 138, 290 seq .

evil, 270, 392

and voices, 281

symbolic, 285

Vitalism, 26 seq ., 155

Voices, see Auditions

Von Crevelsheim, Ellina, 370

Von Hügel, Baron F., 29, 40, 41, 60, 80, 122, 202, 247, 268, 317, 323, 351

on St. Catherine of Genoa, 59, 182, 362

on quietism, 325

Waite , A. E., 108

on Magic, 151, 154 seq ., 157

Weigel, V., 297

Whichcote, B., 470

Whitman, Walt, 192, 238, 248, 255

Will, 45 seq ., 153 seq ., 161 seq ., 392

and magic, 71, 153 seq .

purgation of, 170, 395 seq .

and conversion, 188, 197

surrender of, 208

in contemplation, 299, 303, 310, 313, seq ., 324, 329, 375

Woolman, John, 470

Word, The, 109, 113,115, 118, 193, 233, 241, 244, 258, 326, 331, 340, 417, 423

Words, see Auditions

Wordsworth, W., 238, 255, 285



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